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In the recent Scottsdale primary elections held on July 30, 2024, three open seats were available on the City Council. Jan Dubauskas secured her position by receiving enough votes to claim one of these seats. The election results have narrowed the competition, and now four candidates remain in the race for the two remaining open seats. This election cycle is crucial for Scottsdale’s future, as these new council members will have a significant impact on the community’s development and policies. Stay informed about each candidate’s vision and priorities as the election process continues to unfold, ensuring that your vote contributes to shaping the city’s future.

COGS sent each candidate a questionnaire to determine their positions on issues important to Scottsdale residents. Click on the links below each candidate’s name to review their answers. COGS has also provided a list of each candidate’s Q1 and Q2 2024 campaign donors, offering transparency into their financial supporters. Explore these resources to make informed decisions about which candidates align with your values and priorities for Scottsdale’s future.

City Council Candidates

Mayoral Candidates

Two of the three candidates are moving on to the November ballot for Scottsdale Mayor. As with the City Council candidates, COGS sent a questionnaire to these mayoral candidates to determine their positions on issues important to Scottsdale voters. Unfortunately, the sitting Mayor, Ortega, did not return the questionnaire. Despite this, voters can still learn about the other candidates’ positions on various key issues by reviewing their completed questionnaires, helping Scottsdale residents make informed choices for their city’s future.