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Our Mission

Consistent Land Use Planning
Protect Our Unique Quality of Life

COGS Three-Prong Approach to Advance Our Mission

If you need help with these or other matters, please contact us

SUPPORT APPROPRIATELY LOCATED, QUALITY LAND USE including zoning and conditional use permits by speaking at city hearings and developer’s open houses.

DISCOURAGE INAPPROPRIATE ZONING REQUESTS if these will degrade an area, negatively affect quality of life, projects of limited Public Benefit or include unnecessary increases in height and density

MEET WITH DEVELOPERS AT PRE-APPLICATION STAGE AND THROUGH GROUNDBREAKING. Our organization is the “go-to source” for facts and information about proposed projects. Many developers request preliminary project review with COGS where we encourage specific neighborhood leaders be involved early in the process.

HOST DEVELOPER-NEIGHBORHOOD CONFERENCES. We facilitate communication between developers and neighborhoods, to provide early input that usually results in important plan changes and increased Public Benefits from proposed projects.

ATTEND AND SPEAK AT COMMISSION HEARINGS. We focus on the Development Review Board, Planning Commission, Neighborhood Advisory Commission, Transportation Commission, and the Tourism Development Commission.

SPEAK AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS. The chair of COGS frequently speaks at City Council meetings to promote citizens’ positions on specific land cases and adherence to the General Plan 2035 and city policies.

INFORM with the FREE  E-COGS NEWSLETTER of city hot issues, city council decisions, events for families to enjoy, special library and arts programs, and status of important land projects.

PARTICIPATE ON TASK FORCES. COGS members consistently represent citizens’ needs on City Council-appointed tasks forces, volunteer commissions, and special study groups.

SERVE AS STEWARDS. Members of COGS are stewards within their community, “giving back” and serving on their homeowner association boards, leadership roles in non-HOA subdivisions, volunteering at area hospitals, child athletic programs, private group charities, and as Scottsdale Downtown Ambassadors.

HOST CANDIDATE FORUMS. COGS hosts forums in which citizens meet local candidates and become a well- informed electorate.

KEEP THE COMMUNITY INFORMED ABOUT CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATES. COGS provides each candidate with a questionnaire on key current and future city issues. A summary of their responses is available on our website.

HOST INFORMATIONAL SEMINARS and workshops to assist in funding, of emergency roof repairs, remodeling and upgrades, special needs assistance, etc.